7 More Types Of Airsofters I Love (Are You One Of These Players?)

Описание к видео 7 More Types Of Airsofters I Love (Are You One Of These Players?)

What type of Airsoft player are you?
I love just about everything this hobby has to offer and you guys really enjoyed my video over 7 Types of Airsofters I Love so I was happy to make another part to that video!
We still need more great types of airsofters from wholesome beginner or noob coaches to the highly skilled techs. Heck you might be the type of airsofter that this game needs a lot more of!
So here's just a list of 7 More Types Of Airsoft Players we need!

Feel free to share this video around with your team mates that fit one of the types of players I list here or to help boost the moral of airsoft by just a bit.
I appreciate anyone that helps this video gain traction!
And grab your battle buddy so you can have your own "Dude, that was perfect!" kind of moment!

USAirsoft is proudly sponsored by SS Airsoft!
Make sure to use code "Scott" when picking up new gear today!

USAirsoft is also proudly sponsored by G&G Armament who always have awesome stuff dropping into the airsoft market!

Follow me everywhere like a weirdo!
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Time Stamps
0:00 7 More Types of Airsoft Players I Love
1:26 Gas Blowback Airsofters
3:17 The Gentleman
4:30 I Love Speedsoft & MilSim
5:03 Memesofters
6:29 Unlimited Energy Airsofter
8:21 DSG or High ROF Players
10:51 Medically Trained Heroes
12:39 Airsoft Battle Buddies!
14:54 What Type of Airsoft Player Are You?
16:36 Channel Member Shout Outs

Thank you all for watching and for your continued support to build this channel! : )

#top7 #airsoft #airsofter


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