Can Gynecomastia be corrected with chest exercises or breast reduction pill? - Dr. Surindher D S A

Описание к видео Can Gynecomastia be corrected with chest exercises or breast reduction pill? - Dr. Surindher D S A

Often people asks if I have a gynecomastia, what solution I have for it. Can it be treated by exercises, can I go to the gym and work it out, if can I take some pills to reduce it . So as I mentioned before there are two kinds of gynecomastia, the true and the false. The false is the most commonly that is found and the false is basically hormonal changes and fat accumulation that has happened over the years and the true or purely is because of hormonal changes and usually it happens during the adolescent ages. So what happens is the gland and the fat is sitting on top of the muscle. You can do exercises. Exercises not specifically for the chest. Do exercises where you can actually reduce your overall fat content like aerobics and swimming and running, hogging, all these will help in the overall reduction of fat and hence there will be a reduction of fat as well. But it doesn’t take care of your glandular element which is already there. Secondly because it is sitting on hr muscles, if you do any exercises specific to the muscles like most of the gyms where the youngsters are going is developing a pack muscles and you are sitting on the pectorals and hence as the pectorals becomes stronger and thicker, they push it out further. So it starts looking even more obvious than before. So avoid anything specific to the chest rather do anything which is over for the rest of the body. Medication in a few cases where there do a glandular element and it is significant, there are some medications we give which work as they reduce the hormonal conversion and hence they reduce the glandular part of it, but it is not routinely advised to everybody and unless there is a specific reason we dot need to tart that, So medication doesn’t help. You might as well leave it alone and it doesn’t cause you any issues. If cosmetically it is bothering you then yes, if ofcourse you are grossly overweight, then yes, weight reduction will help because the fatty component will reduce and that will help you reduce the size of the gynecomastia but it is not going to get cured by just diet or exercise. You will sill have to do something specific for it. Sometimes of the fatty element is large and you can try some fat dissolving injections, but that is again it is again a multiple sitting procedures and the results are unpredictable. Surgery is the only option where you can get a permanent solution for tour problem and that is nowadays the way you do it, we don’t put any drains There are virtually no scars because they are hidden because the procedure takes 2 hours, you come in the morning and go in the afternoon, it is very simple and you can start your exercises and you can get a good chest after that. So non-surgically there is nothing that you can do. You can leave it alone. But if it bothers you, then surgery is the best option.


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