GH- Luke and Laura (&Lucky) 95-96 playlist p 96

Описание к видео GH- Luke and Laura (&Lucky) 95-96 playlist p 96

(LO) Lucky and Emily back at the Spencers talk about what Emily should do. Lucky steps out, Emily hears something that helps her decide. The parents finally get the upper hand! .. but Lucky proves his point.... on a special day.

This is a bridge playlist between the stuff on Sussezq channel and Matuatay2 channel... starting in approx. April 1995. You can find many L&L playlists on my channel sussezq or this playlist directly here:
All Clips Property of ABC TV and GH.. no copyright infringement intended. Fan viewing purposes only.
I so understand everyone's frustration with current day GH.. I really do. But please there are other forums for everyone's discontent. I will delete any negative comments about real human beings. Say what you will about characters. Please comment, love reading everyone's reactions to the story.


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