Local RFID Position Tracking System

Описание к видео Local RFID Position Tracking System

So I decided to reverse the roles of having a stationary reader and mobile tag to make a wireless position tracking system. While it can only track the rover at the defined beacon points as specified by the user, it still proves useful for fixed path navigation. Resolution can also be increased by increasing the number of rally points.

Unfortunately the drive circuit in the vehicle was not functional in the video but you get the idea.

Hope you enjoyed the video!

Main Hardware Used:

2x ATmega328 Microcontroller
2x NRF24L01 Transceiver
1.8' TFT Screen (Adafruit)
MFRC522 RFID Reader/Writer
Mifare 1k RFID Keyfobs

Once again, I take no credit for the libraries written by Adafruit for the TFT and those hardworking individuals who worked on the SD and RFID libraries. Most of my code was based off of their work (which is provided on the Arduino web page) so I did not see the need to post any code. Only exception is the GUI interface that I wrote.


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