Entering the EU’s new policy cycle: The European Green Deal at risk?

Описание к видео Entering the EU’s new policy cycle: The European Green Deal at risk?

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union is proud to launch a European Green Deal Risk Radar (https://eu.boell.org/en/green-deal-ri...) that analyses the achievements, relevant upcoming dates as well as the potential attacks and threats for the most important legislative projects of the European Green Deal.
Join us in this webinar to discuss the future of the European Green Deal, and identify how and when crucial files need to be promoted in this upcoming legislative cycle.
- Key achievements of the European Green Deal and risks to watch out for in 2024-2029, by Wendel Trio, independent climate and energy policy expert, author of the European Green Deal Risk Radar
- An European Green Deal for people and the climate: Learnings from the past legislative term by Jutta Paulus MEP, Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament
- How to make the European Green Deal populism-proof, by Camille Defard, Head of the Jacques Delors Energy Centre
- Moderation by Jörg Mühlenhoff, Head of Programme - European Energy Transition, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union


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