MCCI sky battle is easy

Описание к видео MCCI sky battle is easy

In this video, I play MCCI sky battle, a 32 player gamemode with 8 teams of 4, where the goal is to eliminate the other teams and be the last team standing.

MCC Island (aka MCCI) is a minecraft java edition server, designed so anyone can play the games in MCC (Minecraft Championship).

texture pack:
   • Krtzyy's MCC Island Essentials (1.19 ...  

sky overlay:

song 1:
   • Dolphin Shoals - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe OST  
song 2:
   • Water Park - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe OST  
song 3:
   • Rude Buster  
song 4:
   • Undertale OST: 025 - Dating Start!  

outro music:
song: Balynt - No Gravity
music provided by Balynt
video Link:    • Balynt - No Gravity [Vlog No Copyrigh...  


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