inside a computerised pipework scale reducer.

Описание к видео inside a computerised pipework scale reducer.

This is one of many devices that make bold claims about reducing build up of mineral deposits in pipework. There are units with fixed magnets inside and active units like this one that have wires that wrap around pipes and claim to expose the minerals to electrical pulses to change their behaviour.
These devices have been around for many decades and usually carry advertising that shows a section of pipe with extreme scale buildup and a section of new clean pipe to show how effective they are.

Note that I can't find any proper research that indicates any of these things work. I like to keep an open mind, but feel that any sound theory behind these types of devices has been lost in the endless torrent of exuberant marketing.
It's very clever though. The unit does employ an animated LED display for the layman and actual swept frequency pulses on the output for people like us to introduce doubt and wonderment.

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