Echo Night Walkthrough

Описание к видео Echo Night Walkthrough

Echo Night walkthrough. All astral pieces. Best ending.

0:00:00 Intro
0:02:20 Beginning
0:06:06 Train
0:15:11 Orpheus
0:19:48 Memories of John Cutter / Amusement Park
0:24:13 Memories of Billy Bollard / Pier
0:27:53 Observatory
0:34:21 Greg Capstan
0:35:32 Robb Derick
0:41:10 Diana and Fiona Parcelling
0:46:52 Ed Mooring
0:48:15 Claudia Tender / Abandoned Mine of Rockwell Group
0:54:05 Memories of Thomas Gusset / Laboratory
1:02:03 Scott Garboard
1:04:30 Fred and Karen Moulding
1:10:20 Casino Gambling
1:30:22 Peter Schooner
1:31:19 Memories of Arthur and Hilda Rockwell / Castle
1:40:53 Emilie Scuttle / Cemetery
1:49:11 Memories of Oscar Rockwell / Library / Stone plate
1:54:47 Ernest Ullage
1:57:37 Mike Transom
1:58:02 Charlie Girder
2:00:01 Robert Danforth
2:05:36 Martin Backstaff
2:06:42 Memories of Oscar Rockwell / Cathedral / Stone plate
2:13:43 Stone plate
2:15:33 Emilia Rockwell
2:18:55 Jack Rockwell
2:22:50 Castle / Andrew Galleywood
2:23:55 Memories of William Rockwell / House
2:33:20 All astral pieces
2:34:57 Casino Bonus
2:38:18 Engine Room
2:51:05 Credits, Stats and Character Notes

Captured at 1920x1440p x32CSAA, 30fps.

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