Konova DSLR Slider Review

Описание к видео Konova DSLR Slider Review


Before I start in on the review I want to tell you about my little DIY dolly because before I had it I thought it would be the answer to all my slider needs. Well it wasn't and I don't use it that often, there are two reasons, speed of setup and smooth surfaces. For me I like to move fast from slider move to slider move and using the dolly on a large long board is just not what I call fast for set up time. Also a board does not work well on a board unless it is really smooth, this works best on glass or like a Formica counter top.

I tell you this because the Konova slider is much faster to setup, especially in many different configurations.

Over the past couple of years a lot of sliders made for DSLR's have come out and a lot of them are really expensive and out of the reach of many amateurs.

Basically there are two types of sliders, the less expensive friction sliders that use something smooth like Teflon, and the more expensive roller bearing type that can be very expensive. That is where this Konova slider is different, it has roller bearings and it is around the same price as the friction based sliders.


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