Ο ορισμός του «ξένου» | Sakis Tanimanidis | TEDxChania

Описание к видео Ο ορισμός του «ξένου» | Sakis Tanimanidis | TEDxChania

Γιατί σχεδόν πάντα στο «ξένο» δίνουμε μια αρνητική χροιά; Γιατί το θεωρούμε συνήθως κάτι κακό και το φοβόμαστε; Ο Σάκης Τανιμανίδης με την ομιλία του θέλει να μας δείξει ότι αυτή είναι μια κατάσταση που φτιάχνεται από εμάς και υπάρχει μόνο μέσα στο μυαλό μας. Επιχειρεί να αντιστρέψει αυτή μας τη στάση δείχνοντάς μας ότι ο όρος «ξένο» μπορεί να αφορά και πράγματα πολύ θετικά.


Μουσική: Michael Dale

Why do we mostly attribute a negative tone to anything “Xeno”? Why do we mostly consider it to be something “bad” leading to us being afraid of it? Sakis Tanimanidis intends to show us that this is a situation created by us, and exists only in our mind. He tries to reverse this attitude showing us that the term “Xeno” can lead to things with very positive outcomes.


Music Credits: Michael Dale

Sakis Tanimanidis was born in Thessaloniki. He has studied Marketing in Greece and got a Master’s Degree in USA. After he finished his studies he started traveling because of his family’s enterprises. The experiences that he gained enabled him later, along with his good friend Giorgos Mavridis, to create television shows related to traveling around the world.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


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