Setup Prometheus Monitoring on Kubernetes using Helm and Prometheus Operator | Part 1

Описание к видео Setup Prometheus Monitoring on Kubernetes using Helm and Prometheus Operator | Part 1

► Part of the DevOps Bootcamp 🚀 More infos here:

Learn how to setup Prometheus Monitoring and Grafana on Kubernetes cluster using Helm chart for Prometheus Operator

NOTE: Prometheus Operator shown in video is Deprecated. See the git repo for new operator installation and other relevant commands:

Missed the theoretic part? Prometheus Architecture explained ►    • How Prometheus Monitoring works | Pro...  
Demo Part 1: Setup Prometheus Monitoring with Helm chart for Prometheus Operator (this video)
Demo Part 2: In the 2nd part we will actually configure Prometheus to expose /metrics endpoint and configure Prometheus to scrape it. ►    • Prometheus Monitoring - Steps to moni...   🤓

In the demo I show you the third way. We will easily deploy Prometheus and Grafana using Helm chart for Prometheus Operator and I walk you through the different components, which were created. So that you have a good understanding 💡 of what they are and what they do.

Used versions in the demo:
► helm version: v3.2.1
► prometheus-operator: v0.38.1

In general there are 3 ways to do the setup:
1. Create all the configuration files yourself 👩🏻‍💻
This way is pretty inefficient and it's a lot of effort.
2. Using a Kubernetes Operator 😎
In this option you would go and find an operator for Prometheus and deploy it in the cluster using the configuration files of the operator. It is more efficient.
3. Using Helm chart to deploy the Prometheus Operator 🚀
This is the most efficient way. Prometheus Operator has a Helm chart that is maintained by the Helm community. You can use this Helm chart to deploy the operator.
So, Helm will do the initial setup. Operator will then manage the running Prometheus setup

#prometheusmonitoring #kubernetes #devops #techworldwithnana

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 - Intro
0:05 - Recap Prometheus architecture
0:52 - How to deploy all the parts into K8s cluster - 3 options
3:10 - Setup with Prometheus Operator using Helm
4:10 - Understand what components were created and what they do?
10:00 - What's inside Prometheus Operator?
19:13 - Access Grafana UI
23:30 - Access Prometheus UI
24:52 - Summarize

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Useful Links 🔗 ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Prometheus Operator Helm chart: ►
Awesome operators: ►

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Want to learn more? 🚀 ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Kubernetes Operator explained ►    • Kubernetes Operator simply explained ...  
Full Kubernetes and Docker tutorial ►
DevOps Tools, like Ansible, Prometheus ►
Jenkins Pipeline Tutorials ►

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► Become a DevOps Engineer - full educational program 👉🏼
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► Kubernetes 101 - compact and easy-to-read ebook bundle 👉🏼

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