Fabulous Faces of Classic Hollywood authors Robert Dance and Simon Crocker chat

Описание к видео Fabulous Faces of Classic Hollywood authors Robert Dance and Simon Crocker chat

ACC Art Books publication Fabulous Faces of Classic Hollywood brings some of the greatest portraits taken by leading Hollywood portrait photographers during the motion picture industry’s golden years of 1920 to 1960. Little-seen negatives, long buried in the remarkable and internationally renowned archives of the John Kobal Foundation, have been unearthed and printed to reveal some of Hollywood’s favourite stars at the height of their careers.

Selected by best-selling author Robert Dance and writer and award-winning film producer Simon Crocker, over 200 photographs are presented alongside an essay by Dance, describing what it takes to become a fabulous face and an international icon.

Here, Robert and Simon talk to each other about the process of searching the archives and choosing the photographs to be included in this wonderful book. More information: https://bit.ly/4bG6YTi


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