【英國皇家屬地】曼島稅務制度專訪|降低退休成本 享受英國普通法司法管轄區的保護 | Exclusive Interview on the Tax System in the Isle of Man

Описание к видео 【英國皇家屬地】曼島稅務制度專訪|降低退休成本 享受英國普通法司法管轄區的保護 | Exclusive Interview on the Tax System in the Isle of Man



In this episode, we invited a tax advisor from the Isle of Man to provide detailed information on the tax benefits in the Isle of Man. Are you considering relocating from the UK mainland or Hong Kong to reside in the Isle of Man? What are the advantages of living in the Isle of Man compared to the UK mainland? This episode will share the relevant information with you.

Please note that this program is solely for informational purposes. If you require further tax advice, please consult the relevant professional.

#移民英國 #英國皇家屬地 #曼島稅務制度專訪
#iom #taxation


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