Wireless LAN Professionals September 2020 Challenge

Описание к видео Wireless LAN Professionals September 2020 Challenge

Questions & Evidence-Based Answers | Post.Every.Single.Day

We are in some crazy COVID times and we thought it might be a good idea to share our answers to questions people might have about Wi-Fi.

Plus, it is quite fun to set up and perform experiments to show evidence to support our answers.

We’ve also found every time we answer one question, it leads to more questions!


We’ll be doing a standard Q&A, but sometimes we’ll need to add some background, or concepts to support the topic. If needed, we’ll also do an experiment to show visually the evidence to support our answer.

It is easy to do Wi-Fi wrong!

Many times over the past couple of decades, I’ve thought I knew what was going on, and even had evidence to show my thought processes, then later I learned how 802.11 really worked, and had to humble myself and accept a more supported answer. So just because you see Wi-Fi working, does not mean it is working as efficiently as it could.


Though we are not using very specific and repeatable experiments inside of faraday cages, with tens of thousands of dollars of expensive test equipment, we will be using a tried and true method of Hypothesis, Experiment, and Evaluation.

Goals for Evidence Gathering

Our goals in setting up experiments are to have others repeat the experiment. We are using stuff we might have around in our labs, not expensive gear from Candela Technologies, or Ixia, or even iPerf. Our goal is to do tests you customers could replicate themselves.


After collecting data, we will just to conclusions. Sure, they could be off-base, or even wrong. But they will lead to more discussions with the community.

Stay tuned for our daily postings in the month of September!


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