Rhapsody Virtual Exhibition Tour

Описание к видео Rhapsody Virtual Exhibition Tour

A virtual tour of Rhapsody, an exhibition featuring original paintings by Members of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI).

This exhibition is on from 15 June - 21 July. The Gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm.

Andrew Farmer ROI
Andrew King ROI EAGMA IEA (Hon.)
Anna Redwood ROI
Barry Peckham ROI RSMA
Bill Dean ROI
Brian Ryder ROI FIEA
Chris Bennett ROI
David Curtis ROI RSMA
David Pilgrim ROI
Derek Daniells AROI
Graham Webber ROI IEA EAGMA
Haidee-Jo Summers ROI RSMA
Helen Hale ROI
Ian Cryer FROI
John Walsom ROI
Julia Hawkins AROI
Linda Alexander ROI
Lucy McKie ROI
Luis Morris ROI
Michael Ashcroft AROI MAFA
Naomi Alexander ROI
Natalia Avdeeva ROI
Nicholas Verrall ROI RBA
Peter Wileman FROI RSMA FRSA
Philip James ROI
Robin Mackervoy ROI
Roger Dellar ROI RI PS
Roger Ferrin ROI
Susan Bower ROI RBA
Tim Benson PROI
Tom Stevenson AROI
Trevor Chamberlain ROI RSMA

Music: https://www.purple-planet.com


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