Synthesis, Cellular Delivery & Application Of Dendrimer-Based pH Sensors l Protocol Preview

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Synthesis, Cellular Delivery and In vivo Application of Dendrimer-based pH Sensors - a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol

Lorenzo Albertazzi, Barbara Storti, Marco Brondi, Sebastian Sulis Sato, Gian Michele Ratto, Giovanni Signore, Fabio Beltram
Eindhoven University of Technology & NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems & Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry; Center for Nanotechnology Innovation, NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & IIT@NEST; NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR,; Center for Nanotechnology Innovation, IIT@NEST;

Fluorescence sensors are powerful tools in life science. Here we describe a methodology to synthesize and use dendrimer-based fluorescent sensors to measure pH in living cells and in vivo. The dendritic scaffold enhances the properties of conjugated fluorescent dyes leading to improved sensing properties.

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