Dolphinfish - Fascination Facts About The Surface Dwelling Ray Finned Fish

Описание к видео Dolphinfish - Fascination Facts About The Surface Dwelling Ray Finned Fish

#mahimahi #seamonster #ocean

The dolphinfish, also known as mahi-mahi, is a surface dwelling ray-finned fish. They can be found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Despite the name, they are actually not dolphins. They are large species of fish that have a single dorsal fin that extends from the head to the tail.

Their caudal fins and anal fins are sharply concave. It has blue-green scales along its back and yellow scales on its sides and underbelly. Mature males have prominent foreheads protruding well above the upper body, while females have a rounded head. Their body is slightly slender and long, making them fast swimmers. These fish are carnivorous, feeding on flying fish, crabs, squid, mackerel, and other forage fish.

They can reach a maximum of 6 feet in length, but more commonly to lengths of 3 feet. These fish are highly sought for sport fishing and commercial purposes. However, dolphinfish grow rapidly and reach sexual maturity quickly, they have stable populations and fishing pressure has not impacted them adversely.

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