Seriously though, what's the call when this happens? We're watching Episode 10 Day 1 of Street Fighter League Japan 2021, featuring players like Akira, Mago, MOV, and Tokido! When it comes to this tournament, literally anything is possible, including one of the first times I've ever seen a draw in a tournament...
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Capcom’s latest entry in the iconic Street Fighter franchise is Street Fighter V! This 5th iteration has tons of fighters from past entries such as Ryu, Ken, Zangief, Guile - and more. Most recently, the latest patch of the game introduces Akira and Oro to the game, with Luke coming soon. SF5 is available on both Microsoft Windows and Playstation 4 (PS4).
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With top rosters in games such as Smash Brothers and Street Fighter, heavy-hitting influencers on Twitch and YouTube, and our own unique hardware offerings on our shop — Panda is just built different.
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