國外聲樂老師對比 衛蘭 李聖傑《殘酷遊戲/癡心絕對》Vocal Coach Reacts to Janice Vidal vs Sam Lee

Описание к видео 國外聲樂老師對比 衛蘭 李聖傑《殘酷遊戲/癡心絕對》Vocal Coach Reacts to Janice Vidal vs Sam Lee

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Performance videos and instrumentals may have been censored due to copyright concerns. Please visit our Bilibili for full-versions of the reaction: https://space.bilibili.com/7295246
Stayed tuned for more professional vocal coach reaction videos!

Follow Rozette on YouTube: @RozetteSaaangs
Follow Rozette on TikTok:   / rozettesaaangs  
Artist Booking: https://clubzeromedia.com/rozette

#reaction #vocalcoach #reactionvideo #samlee #衛蘭 #Janicevidal #李聖傑 #我是歌手


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