Aura Kingdom - Time Library Party F1-F9 (TLP)

Описание к видео Aura Kingdom - Time Library Party F1-F9 (TLP)

im playing on AKto server (
Failed on F8 part 2 of the mechanics is on the end of the video, when you fully succeed part 1, you will refight the boss at part 2.
During the fight used my eidolon ultimate skill to avoid the death skill but during animation boss used ground tick skill that i didn't see while ultimate, out of the skill i died =(

Music used : Overlord Season 4 - Opening Full | HOLLOW HUNGER (Instrumental)
   • Overlord Season 4 - Opening Full | HO...  

0:00 Trying to remove shield asked a friend how to do...
1:25 F1 Brian
1:56 F2 Three Ryan
2:05 F3 Sonjuno
2:13 F4 Fia
2:35 F5 Titanus
2:44 F6 Argus
2:50 F7 Asheara
3:07 F8 Frederic
4:41 F9 Talamund
6:25 Bonus F8 fail (+ Part 1)


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