tegu care

Описание к видео tegu care

How I've kept my tegu from dying over the years and a couple tricks I've picked up along the way.

To help reptile rich along with his mission of inspiring conservation and preservation around the world you can donate here : https://paypal.me/ReptileRich?locale....

hire me for a reptile party:   / 109701317462.  .

contact me on the Reptile Rich Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/boidmad/?mod...

Reptile Rich patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=329798...

any donations or funds received is guaranteed to go straight in to the upkeep of the animals shown on the channel ensuring they get the best life possible enabling me to continue my work and help me reach my life goal of making a positive difference to the natural world!


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