Testing the operating effectiveness of identified controls: Timing overview

Описание к видео Testing the operating effectiveness of identified controls: Timing overview

Picture this: You have decided to take a controls reliance approach on your audit engagement, and you have determined that the identified (relevant) controls have been effectively designed and implemented. So, what’s next? Well, now it’s time to test the operating effectiveness of those identified controls. But what exactly does that mean?

In this CPE-eligible (1.0 CPE), eLearning course, you will learn about important considerations as it relates to testing the operating effectiveness of an identified control, which is a crucial step in obtaining relevant audit evidence and responding to identified risks. This course will discuss how the nature, timing, and extent of testing is required to be designed and performed, and then you will have the chance to work through an example scenario of testing a specific identified control.

If you are an auditor who audits financial statements in accordance with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) auditing standards, U.S. generally accepted auditing standards (U.S. GAAS) or International Standards of Auditing (ISAs) this course, part of the Internal Control: The Essentials course collection, is an absolute must.

Check out our course on the GAAP Dynamics Learning Library: https://www.gaapdynamics.com/product/...

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