双语古韵(1)| Bilingual Poetic Harmonies (Vol. 1) | 古诗| Poetry I Bilingual 双语 | Companion I 疗愈 I AI Music

Описание к видео 双语古韵(1)| Bilingual Poetic Harmonies (Vol. 1) | 古诗| Poetry I Bilingual 双语 | Companion I 疗愈 I AI Music

This album was fully created with the assistance of AI music generator, with translation and refinement by ChatGPT, image generation by Microsoft Designer, and song generation by Suno.

Here’s the tracklist with the Chinese and English titles aligned; Here’s your translation:

1 Rural Home & 田舍
2 大林寺桃花&Peach Blossoms at the Great Forest Temple
3 春夜喜雨& Happy Rain on a spring Night
4 送元二使安西&Farewell to a Friend
5 池上 & On the Pond
6 鸟鸣涧 & The Dale of Singing Birds
7 春晓 & Sring Morning
8 晓出净慈寺 & Dawn Departure from Jingci Temple
9 相思 & Red Love Seeds
10 绝句 & Quatrain
11 小池 & Little Pond
12 夏有凉风 &Summer Breeze


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