Just Cause You Were Baptized as a Kid Doesn't Mean You Are Going To Heaven...

Описание к видео Just Cause You Were Baptized as a Kid Doesn't Mean You Are Going To Heaven...

Hey Everyone, I wanted to speak about this topic very badly, like soul-burning badly. Too many people think because they were baptized as a kid, you know, being forced to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior even though you had no idea who He even was and what He even did that they will make it to heaven. Along with that, your parents dragged you to church every Sunday when you didn't want to or really cared for church. That does not make you religious, it does not make you a Christian, and it definitely doesn't mean you are safe from Hell.

Baptism by definition is a public declaration of your belief and faith. It is not a get-out-of-jail-free card from Hell. You need to go through a spiritual baptism, a real genuine, and true proclamation that Christ is your savior and that you will follow His teachings. So many people go through all that was mentioned in the first paragraph and have the audacity to live a world life, not go to church, not cut out the evil in their life through music or even people, and have the courage to say they are Christians. They are not.

Being a Christian means you believe in God as the creator of everything, Jesus is God and man, the Holy Trinity, that the Bible in its entirety is accurate, that you try to live a life by the standard set by Jesus and the disciples who followed Him (no drunkenness, swearing or cursing, reading the Bible and praying daily, loving others, not gossiping, following the commandments and etc..), that you are spreading the Word, that you have gone through baptism by water and of the spirit, that Hell and Satan exists, and that you genuinely love and trust God from your heart.

Verses to Reflect On:
Acts 2: 36-47
Acts 19:1-7


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