кто изобрел сотовую связь. who invented cellular communication

Описание к видео кто изобрел сотовую связь. who invented cellular communication

Подвижную связь придумали в СССР в 1962 году. В Воронеже для этого был создан институт связи № 121. Леонид Моргунов придумал, что вышки можно размещать пр принципу пчелиных сот, он же и называл связь сотовой.

Cellular communication was invented in Voronezh. In 1962, a new type of communication was called mobile.
In April, every year the illiterate generation celebrates the "Birthday of the mobile phone in the United States." Yes, in 1973 a patent was obtained there. But the very principle and the first mobile station were made in Voronezh. The tests took place in Moscow. Industrial espionage flourished, so the Americans simply stole one of the stations from Soviet scientists.
In Voronezh, a communications research institute was created to develop a new telephone. One of the developers, Leonid Morgunov, was an avid beekeeper. And then one day, when he was busy with his bees, an idea came up: to put communication towers at a distance from each other, and the communication apparatus itself, moving, must switch from one transmitting-receiving station to another. It was Morgunov who then invented the name - cellular. A fragment of the Channel Five documentary that I shot for them back in the 2000s (English subtitles)


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