Cheesing Laseer in Void Rift Nightmare to Avoid AOE Damage(F2P Strategy) - Watcher of Realms

Описание к видео Cheesing Laseer in Void Rift Nightmare to Avoid AOE Damage(F2P Strategy) - Watcher of Realms

I was testing for a bit and finally found a way to cheese the Laseer boss in NM VR phase 3, so here's a guide if anyone's stuck. He's one of the hardest bosses if you're lacking single target damage and good gear, so this should help if anyone's struggling. Timing is very tight for this so read the full explanation below if you want to try this out.

So, Laseer casts Erosive Bursts periodically, nuking every hero on the map for huge AOE damage. The tactic I used here to deal with this is to interrupt the boss during his cast with Maul, as freeze and stun works on Laseer. The only heroes you absolutely need are Maul+Hollow/Elowyn, and most likely Dolores unless you have very good gear and heroes. The tanks and DPS can be substituted with your own available options(platform DPS like Silas/Hex will take Maul's position for Dolores buff, you can move Maul down).

Timing this is difficult in the beginning, but it becomes a lot easier once Laseer reaches your tank. Your goal is to cast Maul's ult to interrupt him just as he casts Erosive Bursts. However, he casts it very quickly, so Maul's ult won't hit Laseer in time unless you activate it early. The first 2 casts are the hardest.

1ST CAST: Activate Maul immediately after he starts his second basic attack(Slow down time like I did as the timing is very tight)
2ND CAST: Activate Maul as Laseer is about to reach the centre of the square infront of your tank
3RD AND SUBSEQUENT CASTS: Activate Maul immediately after seeing Laseer start his fourth basic attack(He does 4 basic attacks between every cast of Erosive Burst)

If you're using Hollow like I am for rage regen, activate her ult when Maul's ult charge is at about 40%. Both Maul and Hollow are in full attack speed+rage regen gear. With Elowyn you don't have to time anything but I didn't have her to test with.

If you do it right, Laseer will never manage to cast his AOE nuke and you'll have plenty of time to DPS him. My Wrath is not properly upgraded and ungeared so this run was a little close with Arrogance solo DPS, but you can bring any 2 fighters or platform DPS to make this much easier. Right side DPS to deal with summoners you want heroes with an AOE damage ult like Vierna/Razaak.

Nightmare Void Rift Bosses - Torodor Rotation:
Phase 1 -    • F2P Void Rift Nightmare Phase 1 Boss ...  
Phase 2 -    • F2P Void Rift NM Phase 2 Boss - Crims...  
Phase 3 -    • Easiest Way to Cheese Torodor - Void ...  

Laseer Rotation:
Phase 1 -    • F2P Void Rift Nightmare Phase 1 Boss ...  
Phase 2 -    • F2P Void Rift Nightmare Phase 2 Boss ...  
Phase 3 -    • Cheesing Laseer in Void Rift Nightmar...  

00:00 - Failed attempt when Laseer casts Erosive Burst
00:15 - Full Laseer Cheese run
04:50 - Damage done and Gear


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