centered (morphic field)

Описание к видео centered (morphic field)

Have you ever taken a yoga class? Some of them are very fast paced. And a pose you have completely down suddenly because you are in a flow that is unknown, even when the poses are known , when you are moving through them you fall. You lose your center.

And your just like “I practiced this so many times at home. What happened?”

When things are moving, it’s different. It’s different going from one pose to another quickly. You know?

Life is like that. We have all the parts down individually. And when things are slow, or we take time to slow down transitioning is easy, triggers are easy, difficulty is easy but sometimes lifes flow is unknown and the pace is brisk and we can lose our center.

If this should happen to, or has ever happened to you before this will help you to maintain your center.

So overtime you can be standing on a life bouncy ball in the middle of a hurricane and not lose your balance.

Might end up being a log rolling scenario but you will figure out a way to stay on the ball.

And it’s ok to fall down. Sometimes life will even hit you with a one two combo punch to ensure it. Because before leveling up, life sometimes brings you to your knees for a minute.

Looking back you see how it was the exact recipe, the exact ingredients for transformation.

This will help you shake off the emotional dust of the past and let go of resentments. Emotional anchors that would throw you off balance to think of.

Like in the yoga pose it’s the thought of what might happen if you fall, an old injury. So this will help to heal them before they cause a problem. Precognitive field to go through all the likely scenarios that might happen so they can be pre smoothed over

A bit of a grounding and balancing energy.

Lastly exhaustion because let’s be honest sometimes you just get tired and that is what throws you off balance

These are only guides for the field to follow it will go beyond what is mentioned to turn us into lean mean centered machines.

But not like machines at all. More like monks in that regard…

Note: it’s designed to take you from off center to center and to help you maintain such a state regardless of the outside circumstances.

If you would like access to downloadable versions or access to all of my premium fields:   / morpheusfields  

All of the premium fields are on the Patreon but if you are unable to join or simply don’t want to commit the premium fields are available on Gumroad too. There is also downloadable files there.

Legal disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult a doctor when needed


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