Judgment - Secret Boss (LEGEND)

Описание к видео Judgment - Secret Boss (LEGEND)

I surprisingly got this in ONE damn go, I surprised myself with that, too. I had a lot of whoopsies, but I feel like I made up for it in other parts. Might be worth noting that I managed to pull this video off with only two attack upgrades. Let me post the tips for him that I posted in the Japanese version of the game:
1 - He will attempt to steal your phone during the first phase, which will make you unable to access the inventory and the phone menu as a whole. You will only have your shortcut healing items.
2 - When he takes out the lightsabers, there will be two new phases, blue and red. The projectiles that generate from his attacks will heal you and restore your heat if you're in the corresponding color.
3 - HOWEVER, once he's at 2 HPs and down, you'll notice that he'll take super minimal damage if you use the same style color as him, at this point, using the opposite style will be what you need to deal normal damage to him, but at the same time you need to be careful of the projectiles of the opposite color because if they catch you, that might be it for you. So gain heat with the projectiles of the same color first, then go into boost mode which makes you invincible, and take it from there.
4 - Tiger dropping him in the opposite colored style in his lightsabers phase, which you will see in this video, will take away his shield that he puts up when he reaches 2 HP bars, and thus will make the 2 HP bars phase much easier to deal with. BUT, tiger dropping him in the opposite style can easily go wrong and you may die.

Special thanks to Hannya Tier patrons: MiyuRon, eks2009, The Guts To Never Give Up
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