Pierre Vogel's Hizbee Manhaj of Praising & Promoting Takfiri al-Maghrawi, Warned by Major Scholars

Описание к видео Pierre Vogel's Hizbee Manhaj of Praising & Promoting Takfiri al-Maghrawi, Warned by Major Scholars

Pierre Vogel's Hizbee Manhaj of Praising & Promoting Takfiri al-Maghrawi

Warned against by Major Scholars: Shaykh Rabī’ al-Madkhalī ﷾
Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmī (رحمه الله)
Shaykh Muhammad al-Wasābī

Shaykh Rabī’ al-Madkhalī ﷾, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmī (رحمه الله), Shaykh Muhammad al-Wasābī: “Who is al-Maghrāwī from Morocco?”

Pierre Vogel defended al-Maghrāwī with the following statement in a lecture entitled: "Pierre Vogel - No knowledge should be taken from you!"

Pierre Vogel:
because is Shaykh al-Maghrawi also Takfiri? No! its a lie (laughs)
so there is a whole concept is built only on lies in the camp
"Yes, do you know better than the scholars? Yes, I do."
because I know him personally because I know hundreds of students from him
very clear! who says that he is a takfiri, is a Liar
L-ü-g-n-e-r (LIAR!)
Ausrufezeichen, Ausrufezeichen, Ausrufezeichen
(Exclamation mark x 3 !!!)

What is your advice to young people in Morocco, Barak-Allahu feek?
Shaykh Rabī’ bin Hādī al-Madkhalī ﷾:
I advise young people to adhere to the Book and the Sunnah and to move away from the bigotry (At-Ta'asub) of the people of falsehood (Ahlul Baatil).
Al-Maghrāwī is from the people of falsehood and from the callers of affliction!
Some youth try to find other youth who know the truth...
Shaykh Rabī’ bin Hādī al-Madkhalī ﷾:
Al-Maghrāwī plays with the fundamentals of Ahlus Sunnah and softens them! (Tamyee)
He brings the youth to Innovation (Bidah) and he fights the scholars of the Salaf - Salafiyeen!
He is worse than `Adnan (al-`Ar`ur)
So they should be careful! They should stick to the Book, Sunnah and Manhaj of Salaf and stay away from the wrong people.

Pierre Vogel:
Brother, I recently met someone and then
He started talking about a Shaykh, then I said: "this Shaykh is a liar!"
Boom, and now? Clear lie, about such and such person (al-Maghrawi) it is said he is a Takfiri
and he has nothing to do with Takfiri at all. It is a lie.

Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahyā an-Najmī (رحمه الله):
I said earlier that al-Maghrāwī, from what we have read of him, makes takfir for sins, which are counted among the major sins.
And this is the way of the Khawarij!
This is what we know about this man, that he has these qualities.
His words indicate that he believes in the 'Aqidah of the Khawarij and declares people to be infidels with what counts as a major sin!

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahab al-Wasaabi:
There is a Shaykh from Morocco named: Al-Maghrāwī. He is calling for demonstrations in Morocco
and says they are Sharia based because of the religious motives that make them up.
The answer to this: Al-Maghrāwī is known to be a Takfiri and of the Khawarij.
Al-Maghrāwī is not among the scholars of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama`ah
He is nothing but a Takfiri Khariji.
This means that he is regarded as Ashaabul-Bida`a wal-Ahwa (People of innovation and desires).
And his statement (about demonstrations) is consistent with the manhaj he is following, which is the takfiri kharaji manhaj. Wallahul Musta`an

Pierre Vogel: "Yes, do you know better than the scholars? Yes, I do."

More on the fitan of Takfiri al-Maghrawi:

#uthmanfarooq #pierrevogel #almaghrawi


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