Dani Rodrik: Industrial Policies: The Old and the New

Описание к видео Dani Rodrik: Industrial Policies: The Old and the New

The ReSES (Rethinking the serviceability of economics to society) project is happy to present Dani Rodrik's Argumenta Distinguished lecture titled “Industrial Policies: The Old and the New.”

This event is part of the Argumenta Distinguished Lectures series organized by ReSES at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the ReSES project aims to rethink how economics can better serve society. The project’s Argumenta Distinguished Lectures series provides a platform for leading experts to present ideas that challenge conventional economic thought and promote societal well-being. Professor Rodrik’s lecture, “Industrial Policies: The Old and the New,” is a significant addition to this series.

Dani Rodrik is Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the Harvard Kennedy School. He has published widely in the areas of economic development, international economics, and political economy. His current research focuses on employment and economic growth, in both developing and advanced economies. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the inaugural Albert O. Hirschman Prize of the Social Science Research Council and the Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences. Professor Rodrik is co-director of the Reimagining the Economy Program at the Kennedy School and of the Economics for Inclusive Prosperity network. He was President of the International Economic Association during 2021-23 and helped found the IEA's Women in Leadership in Economics (IEA-WE) initiative. His most recent books are Combating Inequality: Rethinking Government's Role (2021, edited with Olivier Blanchard) and Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy (2017). He is also the author of Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science (2015), The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy (2011) and One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth (2007).

00:00 Introduction
02:16 Dani Rodrik's Presentation
55:35 Q&A


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