Navratri Vrat Rules : What to eat and what not | navratri fasting rules | navratri vrat |

Описание к видео Navratri Vrat Rules : What to eat and what not | navratri fasting rules | navratri vrat |

Navratri is one of the most important festivals in Hinduism, celebrating the victory of good over evil. The festival of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine avatars. These nine days are considered very auspicious and everyone seeks to please Goddess Durga with their devotion and piety.

#Navratri #GoddessDurga #NineAvatars #ShardiyaNavratri #ChaitraNavratri #NavratriFasting #NavratriCelebrations #Garba #Dandiya #GoodOverEvil

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