Ep25.1 What Is A Conservative, & How To Save The Coalition, with Cory Bernardi & Dave Pellowe

Описание к видео Ep25.1 What Is A Conservative, & How To Save The Coalition, with Cory Bernardi & Dave Pellowe

In an age where many words have different definitions depending on who's using them, what does "conservative" mean to Cory Bernardi? Is it a narrow appeal, or is there enough common sense in conservatism for everyone?

Cory Bernardi also offers insights into the culture and character of the Liberal Party, and how conservatives can consider their strategic usefulness within it.

Senator Cory Bernardi is the founder and leader of Australia's newest and fastest growing political party, the Australian Conservatives. First elected in 2006, he's long been regarded by mainstream media and major parties as a "maverick" because of his outspoken conservative views on society. His resistance to populism and political-correctness led him to leave the Liberal Party he'd loyally served for decades and launch out alone to put his convictions to the test.

WATCH the full interview with Senator Cory Bernardi and Dave Pellowe https://ChurchAndState.com.au/cory-be....

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