《香港旅俠》沙頭角邊境禁區 Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area

Описание к видео 《香港旅俠》沙頭角邊境禁區 Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area

入得沙頭角邊境禁區內,吃喝玩樂就一定唔少得嘅,邊玩邊食,觸摸英女皇印記,尋味邊境特色美食等等。但既然入左去哩個連google map都去唔到嘅地方,當然也要去做啲喺google都search唔到答案嘅野啦。喺2016年某一天,喺沙頭角,有一個盪氣迴腸嘅故事發生了...去片!

Wandering around and trying different culinary delights of course are the must-do in Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area, but since we were in a place where it is not shown in google map street view, we wanted to do something special. Hence our story in Sha Tau Kok started...

製作: 東北偏冬 Northeast Hong Kong in Winter

「香港旅俠」 簡介:

「Backpack Hong Kong」 Objectives:
The programme invites teams of young people between 15 and 29 years of age to discover the hidden cultural heritage that gives the North District its unique character, in terms of historic buildings, local cultural traditions, old shops, handicrafts, festivals and traditional practices, and natural sceneries. As part of the registration for the programme, participants are required to prepare and submit a detailed proposal that forms the basis of the selection.


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