(Part 2)【家長講座:想孩子自動自覺?林浣心校長教你如何提升孩子的創意及學習動機!】

Описание к видео (Part 2)【家長講座:想孩子自動自覺?林浣心校長教你如何提升孩子的創意及學習動機!】

Project M²、教育局的家庭與學校合作事宜委員會及「教育2.1大教育平台」攜手舉辦的「想孩子自動自覺?林浣心校長教你如何提升孩子的創意及學習動機」家長講座已於2022年11月17日㘣滿舉行。講座當日,林校長為家長分享既實用又具啟發性的心得,大家也滿載而歸!

Part 2精彩分享:
• 三個增強及內化孩子學習動機和價值觀的因素:發展能力 (competence)、自主 (autonomy)、關係 (relatedness)
• 當孩子遇到挫敗時,你的反應是關鍵
• 不是每個孩子天生也是天才
• Children need to be surrounded by people who see the best in them, treat them as if they were what they ought to be and help them become what they are capable of
• 10 words to encourage your children
o I appreciate you…
o Thank you for helping with…
o I’m grateful when you…
o You’ve really worked hard on…
o You’re fantastic at…
o You make me proud when…
o You listened well on…
o You were responsible on…
o Spectacular job at…
o You excelled at …
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