[Original] Sand Castle

Описание к видео [Original] Sand Castle

hello again! I wrote another song.
I sometimes feel like all I'm doing is just trying to fill the hole.
while you can only start building something on the flat ground.
and this song is about that helplessness.
but I'm still living and surviving. I really want to keep trying to be happy. maybe that's what really matters. isn't it? hmm thank you so much for listening. I hope everyone has a nice day ;)

Sand Castle

I'm still in the hole
Too far from teenage dreams
I've never wished for fancy things
And it's getting lower

Outside of the hole
They're trying to bury me alive
And I'm so grateful for another fight
Take me further

Those houses, you can look down the beach with big windows and a white picket fence
Won't even get the chance
Something I've never asked for

All I wanted was a sand castle
But I'm too busy in this world trying to wrestle
I need to find my way to the ground where's my ground
I just want to build some sand castles
Even if it would disappear in seconds
I‘ve heard there are waves that could clear my mind
For tomorrow Let me have that wave

You said life isn't fair
I know babe but you don’t want me to care
Living itself is a debt that I should pay
But no one can't just stay
Can't you hear me singing
Take whole lifetime of digging

All I wanted was a sand castle
But I'm too busy in this world trying to wrestle
I need to find my way to the ground where's my ground
I just want to build some sand castles
Even if it would disappear in seconds
I‘ve heard there are waves that could clear my mind
For tomorrow Let me have that wave


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