Sexual Reproduction In House Fly

Описание к видео Sexual Reproduction In House Fly

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SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN HOUSE FLY: In house fly separate male and female organisms are present.
Male reproduction system: Male reproductive system consist of three parts. Testis, Vas deference, Ejaculatory duct. In male fly there are a pair of testis in the abdomen, they are present one on each side of the ventral nerve cord. Testes produce sperms. Each testis connected to a tube called vasdeferenses, which are collect sperm from testis. Two vas deferens are joined to form single ejaculatory duct.
Female reproduction system: Female reproductive system consists of Ovaries, Oviduct and Female genital aperture. A pair of ovaries present in abdomen which produce ova. Each ovary connected to a duct called oviduct. Which collect ova from ovaries. Oviducts open outside the body through the female genital aperture. A sac like structure called spermathecae collect, which are store sperms from male fly during copulation. A special organ called Ovipositor helps to laying fertilized eggs.
Fertilizations: During copulation male fly deposits sperms in to the body of the female , which are stored in spermatheacae until ova are released by the ovary. Fertilisation occurs inside the body of female called internal fertilisation. Fertilised eggs are laid several batches 5 to 6 batches, each batch will consist of 100 to 125 egg safter only one successful copulation in a cluster of decaying organic matter like manure. cow dung, decomposing fruits and human faces.


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