【看TaiwanPlus學英語】北海岸磺港漁港蹦火仔 Uncovering the Secrets of Huanggang Fishing Harbor and Bonfire Fishing

Описание к видео 【看TaiwanPlus學英語】北海岸磺港漁港蹦火仔 Uncovering the Secrets of Huanggang Fishing Harbor and Bonfire Fishing

課程節目來源:TaiwanPlus 【Happy Fisherman】
TaiwanPlus.com X 富苗國際影視

Learn English while watching the series of 【The Coastline of Taiwan】🤗

本集中,Leo 豪哥將帶領觀眾從海上欣賞台灣北部迷人的海岸風光。磺港漁港是「魚路古道」的起點,Leo 還將深入了解當地的蹦火仔傳統,展示蹦火仔的奧妙,體驗北海岸的獨特魅力。讓我們一同啟程,迎向這場難忘的冒險之旅吧!

In this episode, Leo takes us on a sea journey to see the fascinating coastal scenery of northern Taiwan. Huanggang Fishing Harbor is the starting point of the Fish Road Historical Trail. Leo will delve into the bonfire tradition, showcasing its wonders and experiencing the unique charms of the North Coast. Let's embark on this unforgettable adventure together!

✅適合英語程度【CEFR B1】的學習者
✅Suitable for learners with an English proficiency level of 【CEFR B1】

00:00 課程開場 ❙ Opening
02:21 主題介紹 ❙ Introduction
03:49 題目總覽 ❙ Challenge questions
07:43 問題一 ❙ Challenge Question 1
13:49 問題二 ❙ Challenge Question 2
18:04 問題三 ❙ Challenge Question 3
24:54 問題四 ❙ Challenge Question 4
28:25 問題五 ❙ Challenge Question 5
29:47 問答題 ❙ Open-ended Question
31:36 知識點回顧 ❙ Key points
43:39 課後問答 ❙ A quick question
44:07 課後測驗 ❙ Do the Test!
(請見影片資訊欄 ❙ Please refer to the video info column)

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