Malanka Fest 2020. Маланка 2020

Описание к видео Malanka Fest 2020. Маланка 2020

The Malanka Festival in Chernivtsi was started in 2011 by the tourist organization "Palette of Bukovina". The main idea of ​​the Festival is the presentation of the Chernivtsi region as a region of multicolored ethnicity, the region where the traditions of national holidays, in particular the traditions of malanka, are preserved. As the traditional New Year's ritual in Bukovina in the winter cycle is especially distinguished by the tradition of malanka.
The Malanka Festival in Chernivtsi is a unique event, featuring Ukrainian, Bessarabian, Hutsul, Moldavian, Romanian lightning, the traditions of which are preserved in Bukovina. The festival is also attended by bands with malanka modernized, the so-called peribery. Particularly important is the participation in the Festival of Malanka Collectives of the region, which showcase authentic malanka, which is over a hundred years old.
During the festive, carnival procession of the participants of the Festival through the streets of Chernivtsi, the audience can see and feel the colorful, colorful, uniqueness of the teams. Exclusivity, originality and fantasy are not to be lent to the participants of the Festival.
During the inter-festival period, the teams carefully prepare for the Malanka Festival to impress not only the spectators but also to be appreciated by the jury. Experienced ethnographers, art critics, cultural experts evaluate the performances of the teams and choose the best among the best. The members of the jury take into account the creative personality, the performing skills of the groups, the musical accompaniment, the integrity of the repertoire.
The Malanka Festival is an event that unites the efforts of the members of the tourist organization "Palit Bukovina", Chernivtsi City Council, regional state administration, entrepreneurs of the region and, undoubtedly, those people who preserve and continue the traditions of our region.
The celebration of Malanka's ritual action was and remains the factor that satisfied the spiritual, aesthetic needs of people, their beliefs, feelings, talents, hospitality were manifested in them. Therefore, the organizers make sure that the Malanka Festival takes place in an atmosphere of tolerance, exaltation and celebration.


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