DRAGONFLY®4 Internal Glass Cleaning System

Описание к видео DRAGONFLY®4 Internal Glass Cleaning System


The STREAMLINE® DRAGONFLY® is the perfect answer to internal glass cleaning where a ladder or other reach equipment is normally required, as it allows you to clean windows at height with your feet on the ground. With a simple pump system and bottle filled with pure water or a light detergent glass cleaner in a backpack and a microfibre pad on a swivel mop plate attached to a telescope the DRAGONFLY® simplifies internal window cleaning forever.

Areas of use include car showrooms, stair wells and atriums in office blocks, schools, colleges, hotels, airports, shopping centres the opportunities are endless! Saving time, saving money...

The DRAGONFLY®4 internal window and glass cleaning kit brings you the latest innovation from the STREAMLINE® range of high reach cleaning equipment. It is the simplest, safest and most efficient way to clean internal windows at height – reaching up to heights beyond 10 metres!


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