Crystal Perceptual Pod Bed by Alberto Frias music by Kid Cudi. NASA's UFO alien footage NASA U.F.O.

Описание к видео Crystal Perceptual Pod Bed by Alberto Frias music by Kid Cudi. NASA's UFO alien footage NASA U.F.O.

Crystal Perceptual Pod Bed by Alberto Frias, music by Kid Cudi (Dear client: Scott Mescudi). The ultimate immerse light, sound and space environment. Transport yourself to your dreams in a Crystal pod bed. The entire dome surface encompasses an interactive touch screen display, your own personal sky (miniature planetarium). As you lie inside on a fluffy cloud-like cushion, you float away on a temperature-controlled waterbed. Sound vibration from the subwoofer resonates through your body and sends it to a blissful state. The perceptual pod allows people to escape into a trance-inducing field of color, music and vibration. The curved organic LED dome touch screen display can change its lighting opacity level to become translucent or solid, connecting to the cosmos. NASA's UFO alien ET extraterrestrial capsule footage sighting. NASA U.F.O. extra terrestrial sightings ;) #TransportPod #PodBed #SensoryPod #MultisensoryPod #MultisensoryEnvironment #NapPod #SleepPod #SleepingPod #WombBed #AlbertoFrias #PerceptualPod #NappingPod #KidCudiPod #CrystalPodBed #CrystalPod #CrystalBed #immersivePod #immersionPod #SensoryIntegrationPod #dometouchscreen #DomeLED #DomeLEDdisplay #DomeLEDtv #OrganicLEDTV #OrganicLEDScreen #OrganicLEDlighting #CurvedLEDScreen #CurvedLEDTV #NapPod #CudiPod #Scott Mescudi #NASAPod #NASA Bed #NASA Pod Bed #UFOFootage #NASAUFO #NASACapsule #NASAUFOFootage #AlienPod #Alienbed #ETBed #UFOBed #ScottMescudiBed #ScottMescudiPod #RelaxationPod #TranquilityPod #MeditationPod
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