What I Focus on in UX Interviews | A hiring manage's perspective | Ujjwal | Senior Manager

Описание к видео What I Focus on in UX Interviews | A hiring manage's perspective | Ujjwal | Senior Manager

Tell me in the comments the questions you have been asked during an interview and I will answer each one of them from my perspective on how I would have answered it.

I have seen a lot of videos cover UX design interview questions, I thought I will make my version of it. Here is a design manager going through how I assess a designer during an interview.

What I Focus on While Interviewing UX Designers
Clarity in Communication: I pay close attention to how clearly candidates express their thoughts and ideas, ensuring they can convey complex information effectively.

Storytelling Skills: I assess whether the candidate's storytelling skills are engaging and compelling. Am I hooked or bored during their narratives?

Ability to Explain Complexities: I evaluate how well candidates can break down and explain intricate concepts, demonstrating their depth of understanding.

Intent and Preparation: I look for evidence of intent and thorough preparation, indicating the candidate's seriousness and dedication to the role.

Aptitude for Problem Solving: I focus on the candidate's problem-solving abilities, examining how they approach and resolve design challenges.

Aptitude for Visual Design: I assess their visual design skills, ensuring they have a keen eye for aesthetics and can create visually appealing designs.

Understanding of Basic Design Process: I evaluate their grasp of fundamental design processes, from research and ideation to prototyping and testing.

Experience in User Research: I look for practical experience in conducting user research, highlighting their ability to gather and interpret user insights effectively.

Experience Managing Stakeholders: I consider their experience in managing and collaborating with stakeholders, ensuring they can navigate and balance different interests.

Ability to Ask the Right Questions: I value candidates who can ask insightful and relevant questions, showing their curiosity and critical thinking.

Ability to Answer Questions They Don't Know: I observe how candidates handle questions they don't have immediate answers to, looking for honesty, humility, and a willingness to learn.

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