Old 97 Wreck Survivors: Maupin & Reams

Описание к видео Old 97 Wreck Survivors: Maupin & Reams

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA - 18 & 19 August 2024
Among my itinerary for my 2024 Virginia trip, I fit in visiting the grave sites of two gentlemen who survived the famous "Wreck of the Old 97" and lived decent long lives afterwards.
First up: Napoleon Cloren Maupin - this poor guy has his names and initials misspelled in at least half the publications, the misspellings of which have plagued the internet by people not doing their research and just propagating the errors. But this is his name, known as "Cloren" or "Rena" among close company. He was 23 at the time of the wreck and likely got out of the hospital in Danville just before his 24th birthday on Oct 5th. He spent 2 frightening hours in the wreck, literally pinned down by a screw that ran through the nail of a finger on his right hand. He wanted to sever the finger to escape if only someone would give him one, but they freed him before that became necessary. He escaped with at least the wound and a fractured collarbone. He thought of jumping before the wreck but the train was going too fast. Had he jumped, he probably wouldn't have survived. Following 6 months in hospital with blood poisoning, he spent the rest of his career as a Transfer Clerk and later Station Master at Charlottesville Union Station (now Amtrak).
Second: Charles Everett Reams Sr. - His last name is often misspelled by journalists of the day, and he gave a pretty good interview to the Virginia Star in 1933. He was a little older when the wreck happened, about 37 years old. He was ejected from the wooden mail car as it broke apart, landing about 30 feet away. He was off work for 5 months with a back injury but was one of 3 mail clerks to return to the train run.
Background Ukulele rendition of "Wreck of the Old 97" instrumental by Vyvyan Makin.
Newspaper articles found online.
Photos of N.C. Maupin at various ages obtained through the generous sharing of them by his grandson, Stephen.


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