3 Great Core Exercises demonstrated by PTA Rupin Revitamax Rehab Rexdale Malton Etobicoke

Описание к видео 3 Great Core Exercises demonstrated by PTA Rupin Revitamax Rehab Rexdale Malton Etobicoke

In this video, Rupin (one of our lovely PTAs) demonstrates three no-fuss core exercises:

While laying face down, lift your body up on your elbows and toes. Maintain a straight spine. Hold for 20 - 30 seconds

While in a crawling position, brace your core and slowly lift a leg and the opposite arm up. Lower your leg and your arm and repeat with the opposite side. Maintain a level and stable Elvis and spine the entire time.

Lay on your back with your knees straight and your arms over your head. Slowly bend one of your hips and knees to 90 degrees as you bring the opposite arm up (pointing towards the ceiling). Lower your leg and your arm, and repeat with the opposite side.The core is the centre of our body and consists of our abdominals, lower back

The core is the centre of our body and consists of our abdominals, lower back, hip, and gluteal muscles. It functions to stabilize our body while our arms and legs move during normal movement.

The core helps to spare the spine from excessive load. Having a strong core can help to prevent injuries and allow us to perform our best.


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