Politics: Analyse the nature of transition from Ideology to Identity Politics in India 2022Mains

Описание к видео Politics: Analyse the nature of transition from Ideology to Identity Politics in India 2022Mains

The video contains an explanation to the following Previous Year question of the unit of Politics and Society for Sociology Optional UPSC Mains Exam:

Analyse the nature of transition from ideology to identity politics in India. 20m 2022Mains

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Ideology politics refers to the mobilisation of voters through association with ideologies such as communism, socialism, capitalism etc. Identity politics refers to politics based on identity assertion such as on the basis of caste, language, religion, tribe, race etc.

Lyotard notes that the Meta-narratives (all-encompassing narratives of the past) have declined, giving rise to the politics of local identities and local parties i.e. ideology politics has given way to identity politics.

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