Seizures in horses

Описание к видео Seizures in horses

The owner of this mare was so excited for Tom to help get her mare back in condition.  The mare had been out to pasture for several years while the owner worked and cared for her elderly parents.  She had finally got to retire and her parents had past on.
When Tom first saw this mare he was in love.  He would tell me constantly, doesn't she have the most beautiful face.  She is an amazing mare.  She had all the bells and whistles when it came to training.  She had been taught it all.  We had her a couple weeks and she started these tremors with her head.  I contacted the owner and she immediately said that she had trouble with her being selenium deficient and she had actually seen her whole body tremble.  The vet told her horse guard would balance her out.
We fed the horse guard and everything was going well until one day Tom got done riding her, took the saddle off, brushed her and turned her in the round pen so she could roll.  Well she started trembling and then started spinning.  It was as if she knew what was going to happen because she stood in the middle of the round pen as she spun.  She tried to control herself but couldn't.  Very scary.  She actually had a couple seizures where she went through our vinyl fencing.  What was odd to everyone is that after her seizure she was fine and would go about her routine as if nothing happened.
The owner thought maybe more horse guard but talking to the company we were feeding the maximum dose and they were not comfortable feeding more.  The vet said she was dangerous and just live out her days in the pasture till she would have to be put down.  We were all devastated.  Tom said there has to be a way to fix this mare. I would bring up the story of this mare to anyone that would listen.  We were told she probably has metal toxins and we needed to get a hold of Mark DePaolo DVM and send in a Hair Analysis.  Well her results came back she had Arsenic, Aluminum and Lead toxins.  She also had Mal Absorption Syndrome and all the supplements, including selenium, was being sluffed through her hair.  Her body wasn't using any vitamins or minerals.
Dr Depollo sent a container for Detox.  We had her on a scoop morning and night for 2 months and no more seizures.  The owner had moved to Arizona and I asked her do you want your horse down there.  She said that would be wonderful.  Well, she made the trip fine.  She did have a slight tremor a couple days after we arrived.  It was a year in September that she started the detox.  Dr Depollo did a 6 month reevaluation.  When I recently talked to the owner there has been no seizures but she is still having to monitor the selenium. 
Tom was having a hard time being told to give up on this mare.  So glad she got the help she needed. The owner is riding her and enjoying her time in Arizona.  We are so glad this mare was able to get help. 
Contact Mark DePaolo DVM
1-940-686-9111 or visit his website


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