The Bear and the Bee,

Описание к видео The Bear and the Bee,

A silly and exciting story to tell children about a bear’s love for honey. Complete with a moral, it reminds children that a hot temper will get you into trouble. Oh, and don’t mess with bees!
Everyone knows that bears love honey. One day, Mr Bear looks in his cupboard, but he can’t find any honey. “Oh no! No honey!” he cries.

So he goes into the forest to find some. He sees a beehive in a tree and smells the delicious honey. “Mmmm! Honey!”

He sticks his paw into the beehive and ZZZZZZZ! A bee flies out. “Hey, bear! Go away!” says the bee. “This isn’t your honey.
Mr Bear is annoyed. “I am bigger than you,” he says. “And I am stronger, too. I can do whatever I want! Now… buzz off.”

Mr. Bear sticks his paw into the beehive again, and ZZZZZZZ! A bee stings him right on the nose. “My nose, my nose! Oh… I’m so angry!” growls the bear.

He finds a big stick. He tries to hit the bee. He swings and swings, but the bee is too fast. Mr Bear gets angrier and angrier. “I will squash you! Come here!” he roars.

The bee flies back into the beehive. “Aha, now you’re trapped!” yells Mr Bear. He swings his stick at the beehive. Smash, smash, smash! He smashes it to pieces.

Then he hears a strange sound. It gets louder and louder. Zzzzzzz. Zzzzzz. Zzzzz. Zzzzzzz. Zzzz. Zzzzzzzzz!

Thousands of bees fly from the smashed beehive, flying around Mr Bear’s head. Zzzzz, zing! They sting him on the ear. Zing! Zing! They sting him on the elbow.
They chase Mr Bear through the forest, stinging him


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