keweisi usb voltage and current tester unbox and review (Urdu/Hindi)

Описание к видео keweisi usb voltage and current tester unbox and review (Urdu/Hindi)

YB26VA USB Detector Voltmeter Ammeter Battery Capacity Power Tester Unbox and Review (Urdu/Hindi)
   • Usb detector volt meter ampere batter...  

What is the difference between a voltage regulator ic 7805 and a buck converter lm2596 (Urdu/Hindi)
   • What is the difference between a volt...  

Usb step up and down power Module, Adjustable boost and buck converter and battery capacity tester
   • Usb step up and down power Module, Ad...  

Charge Any Battery with Laptop Charger Using Module LM2596 (Urdu/Hindi)
   • Charge any battery with laptop charge...  

How to use external variable resistor with buck and boost converter module (Urdu/Hindi)
   • How to use external variable resistor...  

Software and Devices
Laptop:ASUS CORE i7 Model: A53S
Video Editing: Movie Maker (Win 7)
Audio Editing: Audacity SW
Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster
Mic: Philips Brand
Headphone: Panasonic Brand
Information: Books and internet
Picture Sources: Internet+Camera
Camera: Cell LG G4
Voice over: Nauman
Backround music:Defqwop - Awakening [NCS Release]
Backround music Link    • Defqwop - Awakening | House | NCS - C...  
Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]

#USB_tester #voltage_tester #current_tester


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