Why is blue-green algae a problem and why is it getting worse?

Описание к видео Why is blue-green algae a problem and why is it getting worse?

Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, can be toxic and is a recurring problem at many lakes and beaches. What causes blue-green algae blooms, what are the risks and why is it getting worse? In this episode of Duck Doctors, DUC research biologist Bryan Page joins us from the wetlands at Oak Hammock Marsh, home to our national office, to provide the answers—and to shed some light on the ways people and nature can help reduce the risk.

Ready to learn more? Check out these links:
What’s the solution for Canada’s sick lakes: https://www.ducks.ca/healthy-lakes/
Blue-green algae identification quiz: https://form.typeform.com/to/VWfriE8U
How wetlands work: https://www.ducks.ca/our-work/wetland...

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