HPLC Basics

Описание к видео HPLC Basics

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a chromatographic technique used to identify, quality, separate and purify individual compounds present in a mixture. It is both the most common and fastest-growing application globally and according to MC McMaster (1) "90% of all difficulties with HPLC are caused by column problems, most of which comes from contaminated water"

ELGA has teamed up with CHROMacademy- the world’s largest e-Learning website for analytical scientists with 80,000 chromatographers worldwide to develop an educational module titled "Troubleshooting extra peaks in HPLC" which is freely available to its subscribers. Your customers can access this valuable resource for FREE by simply signing up for FREE Lite Account at https://live.chromacademy.com

This educational resource covers topics such as:
Introduction to troubleshooting
Types of contamination
Sources of contamination
Mobile phase issues
Sample issues
Troubleshooting process to name a few


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