Donkey Kong Country: Level 21: Slipslide Ride

Описание к видео Donkey Kong Country: Level 21: Slipslide Ride

Gorilla Glacier's levels will not only be snowy, but icy, as well. Slipslide Ride takes place in a frozen cave full of dazzling ice crystals. Try not to slide too much around, here!

For some reason, there are ropes with the magic power of forcing your to go in a single direction through them depending on their color. Blue ropes will force you to go up, while purple ropes will force you to go down. If you're not careful with these, they could force you to either slide right up into a Zinger, or force you to fall to your death.

Watch out for the armadillo enemies called Army. Donkey Kong can beat them more easily than Diddy Kong can.

There are three Bonus Rooms in this level:
- The first one is reached by using some Kremlings to reach a blue rope from above very close to the entrance, then use a barrel to open the room up from above. This Bonus has you spell the word "KONG".

- The second Bonus Room is found by barrel bashing through another wall, but to reach it, you have to jump between two Zingers with the first purple rope of the level. This Bonus is like the first one, expect now you have to spell out "NINTENDO"

- The third and last Bonus Room of this level is about a line of blue ropes and Zingers. This Bonus has you use more of these colorful ropes to get more bananas, then there's an Expresso Token waiting for you on the other side.

Again, these thorny bees and wasps are not bothered by the cold AT ALL. Smacking them with a barrel will still do them in, though.


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